Episode three of Election Murmurs was a colourful and robust affair. An exclusive interview with New Zealand First candidate Andy Foster traversed arts administration barriers, pro-am production models, and a bizarre bathrooms policy.
Our panel discussion was the liveliest of the series so far with Creatif Kate Spencer expressing her pain at artists not getting paid for hard work. "I am independent producer and I pay my artists...if they're on my stage or they're working for me people get paid" she stated unapologetically.
Foster's dislike for overburdened processes and funding administration for the arts resonated with our panel. Jack McGee put it plainly saying "I am a playwright and I want to get my shows made, so I learned how to write funding applications and now I spend more time writing funding applications than I do writing plays.".
For the full interview and discussion, listen to the show on the media player at the top of this page, and for more info about Kate's work on the Disabled Artists' Festival of Theatre (DAFT), checkout Jack's excellent article.
If you've got thoughts or questions to share ahead of the election, please korero mai! You can find us on Facebook, Instagram and follow our podcasts on Spotify.