Verdict is a 6 Degrees Production from the minds of MFA students Alanah Munn (director and co-creator) and Pan Clark (scenography lead, hair/makeup design and co-creator). The piece aims to translate “haunted house scare acting to the theatre”. It's bold, ambitious, new and as a combo of scaredy cat and horror-fan myself: I am excited and intrigued by the premise.
Mia OudesI am a complete outsider to what it is that Thank You, Ten is celebrating. I have never seen a Footlights show, but I was looking forward to sitting back to watch some musical theatre... and try to resist the urge to sing along.
Guy van Egmond A good theatre adaptation is one that retains the core of the original piece; one that culminates in the same emotional revelation, leaving an audience feeling altered and not wanting. Director Josh Hopton-Stewart hit it bang-on with Stagecraft’s production of The Seagull, by Anton Chekov.
Abby LyonsOh That Theatre Company is a multi-award winning young theatre company whose work focuses on creating “fun, wild, camp, ridiculous while also sincere theatre’; and with the horrendous weather in Pōneke currently, this is right up my alley and I’m looking forward to a cozy piece of theatre.
Mia OudesAbsurdist theatre is a movement that, in essence, agrees with the idea first coined by philosopher Albert Camus, absurdism. In short, it is that the universe is inherently absurd and life is pointless. Here we are, emotional human creatures, trapped in this nonsense without the ability to change it. I am a Camus fan and I love this idea. As a consequence, I really enjoy the genre and I am excited to see this show.
Austin HarrisonMoonroe’s Happy Hour is a variety show featuring song, circus and a touch of burlesque created and performed by Laura Oakley and Jackson Cordery. Variety is the name of the game with this show, with some acts proving to be genuinely astonishing while some were found lacking.
Megan ConnollyHell School: The Musical is an original musical created by a collective of students from the theatre programme of Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington and is directed by James Wenley.
Jenny NimonWhere the Water Lies by Continuum. Theatre Company is a meditation on time and place and the compulsory nature of ‘chance’. Writer and performer James Ladanyi says that this show has been in the works for almost three years, and the crux of the show is really in its own making – the creative process, just like life, requires the right ideas and conditions at the right times. This is the kind of show that has you musing over the sum of moments that has brought you to the room, and to tell you the truth: it has my heart from those first two familiar notes of ‘Babys’ by Bon Iver.
Jenny NimonThe first show in Stagecraft’s 2023 season, Breadcrumbs directed by Emily K Brown, sets a high casting bar for the year to come. This one-act play is a keen exploration of Alzheimer’s and of character, and is one of the only works I have seen that has put the character at the forefront rather than the disease.
Austin HarrisonWe are coming to the end of a year which has been hard on everyone, but few more so than our arts communities (shout out to our healthcare workers who definitely take the top spot for most rubbish year, y’all are awesome!!). On Sunday night though, you’d hardly have known how exhausted everyone is feeling. As we enter the Hannah Playhouse for this year’s Wellington Theatre Awards, the vibes are jubilant, the spirits are high and there is much to celebrate!!
Sean Burnett Dugdale-MartinThe Wasp produced by Alice Kirker, directed by Sam Snedden, and written by Morgan Lloyd Malcolm is a sharp reminder that if you don’t deal with your past, it is sure to deal with you. This production is a jaw-dropping, fist-clenching thriller and darkly funny throughout. It is a must-see and some of the best theatre Wellington has on offer.
Sean Burnett Dugdale-MartinNo Strings Attached Theatre of Disability (Australia), Theatre Today (Singapore) and Diverse Abilities Dance Collective’s (Singapore) show SAME-SAME 2.0 is an ensemble devised dance and theatre production that celebrates friendship across multiple borders. The piece is simple and radiates with the joy of its creators, constantly surprising the audience with the personalities of the performers.
Kate NorquayFab Beasts is a double bill of two short comedy shows about mythical creatures. The first, The Utterly Last Unicorn is about a group of property managing unicorns fighting for a place on Noah’s ark. The second, A NESScesary Detective is about Detective Ness, a loch ness monster detective who solves a local murder.
Kate NorquayCupid’s Guide to Modern Romance is an improvised romantic comedy with the aim of helping us figure out this whole love thing. It’s part cute and wholesome queer romance, part self-help and 100% a feel good time.
Austin HarrisonClose to You is a new improvised theatrical offering from Wellington improv stalwarts Best on Tap. The show explores closeness, far-ness, and how distance impacts on people and relationships across all walks of life. Based on audience suggestions, these generous and intelligent improvisers shared a delightful show full of surprises to an adoring Thursday night crowd.
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January 2025