Dell Mitchell
The show was criminally under attended, maybe it's the rain, maybe it’s because it was 10pm on a Wednesday. Either way it doesn’t matter (much) to Snap as he decides he may as well get to know each of us. Some people may feel anxious in this kind of environment, but Snap’s crowd work is charming, goofy and funny, he makes fun of himself as much, if not more, than us, leaving us feeling in safe hands for the show
Once we are suitably warmed up we are introduced to Jack Ansett as ‘The Good’ part of the show. Ansett is young. Very young. In fact, he has only just turned 18 and so this is the first time he has performed in a bar legally; however he has a natural, comfortable presence on stage like he just belongs there. His humour is a breath of fresh air. He is basically a good, if slightly awkward, secondary school student and, in a set containing a smattering of Harry Potter references, he tells us about it. What is notable is that he gets the laughs from both the young and the old in the room; I was surprised at how much I enjoyed his set even though it is 20 years since I left school.
After this light hearted romp, Snap sets up the next act by regaling us with a lively rant about what he hates; which leaves us roaring with laughter. It provides an apt segue to Dylan Watts who is ‘The Bad’ segment. Watts’ set is best described as dark, dirty and in your face. It’s the kind of dark, dry, humour that leaves you loving him for saying these things (I can’t say what or it’d spoil the show) and hating yourself for finding it funny.
Flowing on from that, next up is Justin White, a comic who needs no introduction. White has been performing comedy for as long as Ansett has been alive, and being a comic, he is obviously ‘The Unemployed’. White has become one of those comedians with whom you never quite know what you will get. Tonight he is angry. He struts around the stage in a new pair of heels and harangues us with a diatribe about the inaneness of better living. It was so ridiculous and yet so absolutely true that it can only be described as hilarious, even if it does go a bit sideways at the end.
Snap finishes off the night with his take on the US elections. Sure everyone is making jokes about them right now, but his take on it is really quite delightful. The audience absolutely loves it, and as the laughter erupts he recognises the perfect place to end the show.
This show runs for 3 more nights so get along to it. If nothing else you will see a very funny and accurate impersonation of a popular breakfast radio show - that alone is worth at least half of the ticket price (and if you use the code ‘Fig’ you get 2 for 1 tickets so no excuses now).
Tickets and details here: