Courtney Rose Brown
Michelle/Ryan’s performance is heartfelt and zir energy is endless. I enjoy how ze really sit in the hard emotions, particularly around heartbreak and rejection. It gives a moment of self reflection for zir theatrically and for us individually. Then quickly ze can catapult straight back into the bellyaching comedy that alongside the facts is essential to the show.
Ze are not claiming to be a “gay voice for all” but a gay voice that encourages all to speak out about their lives and yell it with pride. Ze is a self-proclaimed queer evangelist on the importance of dismantling shame, especially shame around sexuality and gender. Michelle/Ryan’s indecision at every discovery is raw and beautiful. As each life discovery brings zir closer to understanding zirself, it also creates friction with the communities ze has worked so hard to build. “How can I be a lesbian when I enjoy pegging dudes?” This gets a lot of laughs. I think mainly as a release of tension, as many in the audience know what it's like to not quite fit into any given box (so to speak). Ze is preachy, but in a be ‘who you are’ sort of way, rather than a ‘belong to these labels’ straight/gay/pansexual/lesbian/trans/bi mentality (unless you find them useful!)
Ze: Queer as Fuck! is an uplifting experience. It is so exciting to see a queer show that has so much hope in it! I recommend checking the show out whether you’re queer or however you choose to identify; there’s something everyone could learn. Michelle/Ryan gives a raw honest insight into zir experience in a humbling one hour show. Ze encourage non-judgemental discourse around sexuality and gender through zir raw vulnerability and strength. A highly skilled and charismatic performer, I admire zir energy and strength for performing the show.